A mighty deed is a special combat maneuver that lets fighters perform heroic feats of martial prowess during their attacks.
Core rules
- Declare your deed before attacking
- Roll 2d6 + your level for the deed
- Succeed if you roll 9 or higher and your attack hits
- Deed roll is separate from attack and damage
Example deeds
Blinding attacks: Sand in eyes, stabbing through visors, targeting weak spots
Disarming attacks: Knock away weapons, break claws, shatter blades
Pushbacks: Shield bashes, tackles, bull rushes, forcing back enemies
Trips and throws: Leg sweeps, throws, knock prone, pin down
Precision shots: Target specific objects, called shots for extra damage
Rallying maneuvers: War cries, heroic charges, inspire allies
Defensive maneuvers: Shield walls, fighting withdrawals, protect allies
- Be creative! Any situationally appropriate action can be a deed
- Consider environment and enemy type
- Combine deeds with tactical positioning
- Describe your action for maximum effect
At the referee’s discretion, other classes may attempt deeds as if they were a level 0 fighter.
Also, at the referee’s discretion, a roll of 6–8 counts as a partial success, and a roll of 12+ counts as a critical success. Snake eyes counts as a particularly bad failure.
Adapted from Dungeon Crawl Classics. Created with help from Claude.